Koshari Street

Healthy, Egyptian, Unique

3.9/4(127 ratings)

Koshari Street

Koshari Street is a Healthy Egyptian Street Food brand set up with the dream of spreading awareness of the vast & diverse yet relatively unknown Egyptian cuisine. Egypt's national dish - Koshari - is our main inspiration. A bowl eaten daily by over 35 million people is a hearty mix of lentils, rice, vermicelli, & pasta topped with a zesty tomato sauce, chickpeas, crispy onions, & a garlic coriander vinaigrette. This bowl has been a strong daily staple in our culture for over 300 years. We took the original classic Koshari & fused it with other famous Egyptian vegan & protein staples to bring forward a full menu of vegan & non-vegan bowls & wraps that all fulfil our main goal. Make healthy Egyptian food delicious and vice versa.

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Delicious Egyptian street food so healthy and flavourful so you can enjoy lunch without needing a snooze after.