Vanda's Kitchen

Organic, Vegan, Gluten Free, Platters


Vanda's Kitchen

We lovingly prepare fresh, nutritionally balanced, naturally delicious, healthy organic products using the highest quality ingredients. We can cater for your individual breakfast, lunch and snack needs, and the needs of breakfast/lunch/evening meetings with our bundles and platters.

Handpicked by Feedr
Fresh and nutritious ingredients, with a variety and unique flavors, for your Breakfast, Lunch and events.
Sourced Responsibly
We are an accredited Organic company and as such cannot have any packaging with GMO. The selection process was detailed due to the strict measures in place. All our suppliers are Soil Association Organic Accredited. Our Chicken, Beef and Lamb comes from Wales, our fish from Ireland and our fruit, vegetables and dry goods come from the best selected produce from around the world.